Monday, 8 October 2007

Japan - the world's kinkiest country

So Takahama city in Aichi is known for it's Japanese dolls. Their fine sets of 'Hina-ningyo' made from the finest materials are very very pretty and very very expensive.
They have a museum of dolls.
Kinky fantasy land of dolls

These freaky dolls represent the famous festivals of Japan. And the girl yelling in the background is me, absolutely terrified of them.
But where is the kinkiness??
Oh yes it is yet to come.
Well, this one represents a 'shishi' (wild lion) from the Kabuki character. But where's the kinkiness?
Herrreeee we go.
It says (IN ENGLISH) .....

'Public bath in EDO period'

'Those who serve the customers are called "SANSUKE". "SANSUKE" were all male even though all customers were female.'

Wow. so very educational.

And these lovely ladies are supposedly resting in a small hut by Mikawa-bay area. There were nudist beaches everywhere during Edo period in Japan, apparently, how interesting.
Why am I not surprised?
We are in Japan, where sexual oppression is portrayed through visual kinkiness of
dolls. erm.

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