Wednesday, 25 July 2007

OK so maybe we DO eat a lot of raw fish.

And who said Japanese people can't handle alcohol?????????

Today I was taken to a pub where they serve food from Hokkaido. Yes. The cool thing about many 'trendy' pubs in Japan is that they are all divided into private rooms. And there is food. Food galore. I don't think I had so much fish as today for such a long time. And when you go out for a 'NOMIKAI'(a drinking party), you are bound to see red-faced men. And that's when I realise; 'thank God I am not 100% Japanese' (ooopla. No offence). At least my face doesn't change colours. Or is that a bad thing?

People drink so much in Japan. Especially men. It is amazing how quickly they drink. But the best thing for me was, tonight, that I walked down the railway when I got off the train. This is what happens in Hazu, Japan. No one cares.

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