Tuesday, 24 July 2007

We do not eat sushi every day.

But it is good to live by the sea. Going to a local restaurant is always fun around here, because I see names of some exotic fish that I have never heard of before on the menu all the time. Today, I ate blowfish for the first time. The fact that I am writing this means that it didn't kill me.
The thing is though, that it tastes like normal fish. But don't tell anyone about it.
OK so in Japan we eat and drink normal things too. Like wasps in Sake. I mean wasps as in wasps. The ones that kill people. That, just to let you know, was in the same restaurant. That, I didn't drink.

"Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh"

is the academic name for "sea grapes海ブドウ" which is a speciality of Okinawa. They are not actually grapes. It is a type of seaweed. I wish people hadn't come up with the name "sea grapes" because it is far too cute. I'd like to go to Okinawa just to go to a market there and say "I'd like 200gs of Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh please." It tastes like...hmm it doesn't really taste like anything. It has a weird crunchy texture to it and it goes well with soysauce. Says the over-friendly waitress.

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