Sunday, 29 July 2007

Tokyo is.

I took the fast train and went to tokyo. I got off the train at Tokyo station. And i reflected on the fact that the population of the station was probably 10 times more dense than Hazu. This is what big cities look like:

I went there to attend a conference/festival of children's folk performances because I am weird. It was absolutely gorgeous. These kids were from Tokuno-shima, an Island in the south, not too far from Okinawa. The culture of the southern part of Japan is so very different from the main island, I feel that it is a lot more expressive. What they are singing is 'Shimauta', Songs of the islands.

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Children play such an important role in festivals, it makes them a lot more enjoyable.
So that was my weekend but it didn't finish there. I took the train back to Toyohashi, arrived in the city right next to Hazu, to see the fireworks. There is something so special about the fireworks in Japan. It isn't about partying. It lasted for 1hour and a half. People enjoyed each one. and applauded.

Summer in Japan is hot, but I think people know how to get through the heat by entertaining them with such beautiful beautiful events as these.

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